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We commend you for your own passion for music and your desire to have your child learn to love music as much as you. Because of our commitment to parents such as yourself and to the music educators, we have developed a list of teachers whom we invite you to contact. The list of teachers can be found on our web site. Click here to access the teacher list.
You bet we do! We also offer a wide range of services and plans especially geared to band and orchestra students and teachers. We encourage you to browse the Band and Orchestra section of our site designed with folks like you in mind.
We at Eckroth Music want children to be able to learn to play an instrument and come to love music. Over 30 years of experience has taught us that children may need to experiment with various instruments. Or, sometimes they grow out of them. The point is that at Eckroth Music, we have established a plan where students can rent or lease instruments until the time is right to make an investment in their own instrument.
An "acoustic" piano is the traditional piano everyone is familiar with. The piano produces sound by hammers striking strings. The term "acoustic" is used when specifically making a distinction between other various pianos, i.e., digital.
A "digital" piano uses digitally sampled sounds, amplifiers and speakers instead of strings and hammers to produce sound. They have weighted key action to imitate the action of an acoustic piano. Most digital pianos also offer other than piano sounds (such as wind instruments, harpsichord, etc.) plus miscellaneous digital technology. Since all sounds are stored electronically, you can listen through headphones allowing you to play without anyone hearing you.